Private Works

We happily serve private landowners, colonies, and Indigenous communities
with general construction and earthmoving services.

Core services include new, upgraded,
or rehabilitaTion projects:

Construction of access roads

Earth hauling and material clean-up


Land and soil reclamation


Site remediation projects

Clearing and brushing

Soil testing

Residential and commercial lot development

Storage ponds and containment sites

Subdivision development

Building demolition and removal

Deep utility installation (water, sanitary, and storm sewers)

Value-added services include:

Snow removal

Equipment rentals

Refer to our project summaries to learn more about our private works services.

Hamptons Phase 3 Subdivision

Lansdowne Equity Ventures

ENGINEER: Scheffer Andrew

The project included site grading for a new subdivision with 76 residential and commercial properties. Work included grubbing, topsoil stripping and stockpiling, and the excavation of approximately 250,000m3 of material. The subdivision included site drainage into a storage pond with a retaining wall. The project was completed in 2021.

Range Road 72 Waterline

Scenic View Estates

The project included the installation of 2,074m of 200mm PVC waterline with gravel touch-ups and patch pavement on driveways. The project was completed in 2020.

We provide top-quality construction services.
Call our main office any time to discuss your project.


“Achieving the Ultimate”